Wednesday 8 June 2016

Welcome to my little world of hand crafting and yarn


For too many years to count I have been a passionate about creating beautiful things.

I have dabbled with art, origami, photography and jewellery making, but always seem to come back to what I collectively call yarn-craft, as I love knitting and crochet alike and often whimsically sway between the two!

We live in Perth, Western Australia and I have two amazing, gorgeous and (at times) down-right devilish lads of 10 and 5 whom I adore!

Fred (5) and Archie (10) - my gorgeous boys x

In February of this year (2016) it so happened that I found myself not only - for the first time since I was a teenager - without a job, but also with 2 young lads both in full-time education...  with the prospect of becoming a 'lady who lunches' looming I took the bull by the horns and decided to set up an Etsy shop to sell some of my creations.

So Elvie With Love was born.

So first things first, my name is actually Lisa... but I always like to do things a little differently and I guess Elvie (from my maiden name initials LV) is kinda like my alter-ego.

A bit like Batman, but instead of battling super-villains in a fight for justice, Elvie battles dropped stitches and uneven tension in a fight for the perfect drape, all while sporting a fine floor-length lace cape in green and pink variegated merino / silk of course! ;)

Oh now theres a thought!

I daren't - I wouldn't be able to wrestle a knitted superhero cape out of the boys hands and finding it in a screwed up under a heap of random wrappers and banana skins would possibly send me over the edge!

So here I am, as my tiny wee business starts to take flight, I thought I'd start to document some of that journey and hopefully have a few laughs along the way.  So my pledge is for a weekly blog to showcase what I've been up to and hopefully provide you with some inspiration to create something beautiful too.

[I wanted sooo badly to say 'my pledge is to TRY', but as the noble Yoda says "Do or do not. There is no try" and everyone with young boys knows you need to listen to that fella.]

So until next time.

Take care, Lisa @ Elvie. With Love x

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